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Many people are still working from home and as an employer you may feel you have everything covered for your employees in this new situation, and that is great if you have, but some may just be carrying on from where we left off last time without putting measures in place to ensure their employees understand the implications of working from home.

Not everyone would choose to work from home, and whilst this may only be a temporary arrangement, (though at present I think we all feel this is never ending, but that is a different subject all together) it is important to have a Homeworking Policy in place, now and for the future.

Having a policy will ensure a consistent message is inclusive and relevant to everyone. Along with the practical elements of a policy, such as working environments, what equipment will be provided, it is important to clarify that working from home attracts the same policy and procedures as you would abide by if you were in the office, for example hours of work, rest break, absence reporting. It is also important to consider the welfare of employees at home, so communication is key to this new way of working.

We have attached a Homeworking Checklist for you to consider.

This does not cover everything you will require in a Homeworking Policy but it will provide you with some suggestions that are important if you want an effective Policy for all.

If we can support you to implement a Homeworking Policy please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 07725 442228 / 07814 171322

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