Please call Katie 07725 442228 Or Kelly 07814 171322
People are the key to any successful business and getting the right person for the job is essential, getting it wrong can be a costly lesson to learn.
We understand the recruitment process can be time consuming, whilst you concentrate on your priorities let us support you through the recruitment process, ensuring a fair and consistent approach.
By understanding your current structure we can support you in creating robust job descriptions for roles, assist with advertising vacancies, identify candidates for interview, support you at the interview stage and provide all written correspondence required throughout the recruitment process.
We also don’t believe the recruitment process ends on filling a vacancy, we believe it is important to have an effective Induction program to ensure your new employee is welcomed into the business in a professional manner and feels supported in their new role. Let us help you create an effective Induction Program, which will not only provide an insight into your company values but it will ensure employees feel engaged from day one.